I love New Zealand. It is a wonderful country – blessed not just by great scenery, but also by great people. A year ago, I was privileged to pay my fourth visit, and yet again I found myself challenged by the vision and energy of this country of just some ...
To love Jesus is to love his bride “Christ loved the church and gave his life for it” wrote the Apostle Paul. Indeed, Jesus loved the church so much that Paul went so far as to describe the church as the bride of Christ (Ephesians 6.22-33). Inevitably, therefore, if we ...
God’s glory. What is God’s glory on earth? Is it not his presence and grace made known in the World through his people? For me that is the presence and grace of God’s people in the World. Isaiah 43.7 says that we are created for God’s glory. The glory of ...
In February 2011, the author was rushed to hospital in sudden and severe pain. It turned out to be a medim-sized kidney stone on the move. These are his reflections penned a week later (the stone took another two weeks to pass).
Those of us who attend the annual Ministry Today retreat and consultation at Pleshey Retreat House in Chelmsford each year are usually treated to some high quality input. This year, we were led in our prayers and reflections by the Revd Julian Reindorp, a former member of the Board of Ministry Today and Team Rector of Richmond, Surrey for many years. This is a transcript of his final address, as we gathered for prayer and worship in the retreat house chapel.
You are reading Issue 53 of Ministry Today, published in November 2011.
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