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The Challenge of Practical Theology

Author: Stephen Pattison
Published By: Jessica Kingsley (London)
Pages: 300
Price: £19.99
ISBN: 978 1 84310 453

Reviewed by Steven Henwood.

If this was a Compact Disc, it would be entitled the “Best of Stephen Pattison”. This is a selection of the author’s key writings. Pattison is Head of School at CardiffUniversity’s School of Religious and Theological Studies. The essays are grouped into five sections covering ethics and value in practice, organisation and management, Christian thought and practice, theology and the Christian tradition, and pastoral and practical theology studies. It is an academic volume and requires time and thought to absorb the written word, but for those who wish to broaden their understanding, it could be a valuable acquisition.

Sometimes collections can be a ‘bitty’ read because of the vast array of concepts introduced and this is no exception to the rule. However, for those wishing to broaden their understanding of the relationship between theology and practice, this collection from one of today’s most prolific authors may be the stimulus needed.

Just remember this is the work of an academic theologian and not a working Christian minister.

Ministry Today

You are reading Issue 42 of Ministry Today, published in March 2008.

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